Paper Publication: How to Avoid Common Errors
Dear authors,
Before you upload the revised versions of your papers, please be sure that the following formatting issues are taken into account:
1. The header should be filled in:
- Conference name: full name of the conference
- Session Title: " Category of the paper according to the program* "
*If you forgot the session in which session your presentation was scheduled, please check the program.
2. All important elements should be present:
- Header above the title of the paper
- Data availability statement
- Author contributions
- Competing interests
3. Following formatting issues need to be checked:
- Indents
- Spacing
- Justification
4. Following non-text elements should be numbered, centered (use the same font type for all of them):
- Figures
- Tables
- Equations
5. List of references should be formatted taking into account:
- No reference linking;
- Correct numbering
- No italics/bold/etc font
- Where necessary date of access and/or DOIs are provided
Please do not forget to format your paper according to the word template.
Thank you for your consideration!
NB! Papers which are not formatted according to the template will not be accepted by the publisher.