SiliconPV Conference

The online registration is open!


The Early Bird Tickets will be available until March, 3.

Register now!

Registration Fees

Welcome to the SiliconPV Conference together with the nPV Workshop registration site!

Payment may be made in GBP (£) by credit card only.

Please note that according to European law, all credit card payment transactions must be processed with strong customer authentication called 3-D Secure to increase safety for credit card payments on the Internet for both dealers as well as for customers. Visa calls this procedure "Verified by Visa", MasterCard "MasterCard SecureCode" and American Express "Safekey". If you face problems during the payment process, please contact your bank or credit card company directly.

The general terms and conditions are available here.

The conference fees are as follows:

TicketDay Price 
SiliconPV Regular TicketTue-Thu £       700,00
SiliconPV/nPV Regular TicketTue-Fri £       870,00
SiliconPV Student TicketTue-Thu £       340,00
SiliconPV/nPV Student TicketTue-Fri £       450,00
nPV Regular TicketThu-Fri £       360,00
Day Pass  £       290,00

All fees are net fees and listed in GBP (£).

Conference fees may be subject to VAT, please refer to the registration form for the details. The VAT will be displayed in the process of the registration depending on your legal status and your country.

The SiliconPV Conference Dinner on Wednesday, April 9, is included in all tickets which include a SiliconPV registration.

Important Information

Included in the registration fee are:

  • Lunches and coffee breaks

  • Conference dinner on Wednesday (for SiliconPV tickets and combined tickets)

  • Full access to all oral sessions

  • Full access to the poster hall

  • Certificate of attendance (on request)

  • Access to the internal area on the website. This includes:

    1. List of participants (if authorized by the participant)

    2. Presentation PDFs (if authorized by the speaker)

    3. Short abstracts


General information:

  • All registration fees must be paid in full before receiving credentials to access the conference.

  • Please note that dinner tickets are non-refundable.

  • Payment may be made by credit card only.

  • Students will need to upload a copy of their student card in order to qualify for student fees.

In case of questions please contact the organization team at info(at)

Contact Person

Contact Person

Iris Krucker

Project Manager, Conexio-PSE GmbH